Research interests
My research areas include anthropological linguistics/linguistic anthropology, language typology, cognitive linguistics, cognitive anthropology and language contact with a special interest in topics such as honorifics, verbal taboo, kinship terminology, spatial descriptions, possessive constructions, theory of mind, word classes and personal names & naming. Regionally, I have a focus on Oceania, particularly Tonga/Polynesia. Therefore, I have carried out repeated field research in the Pacific, mostly with an interdisciplinary research focus, being fascinated by the interrelation between language, culture and cognition.
Education and scientific career
Conferences and talks
Orientierung für Sprachwissenschaftler*innen: Dr. Svenja Völkel (FB 05, DEL, Language Typology) veröffentlicht einen umfassenden Überblick über die verschiedenen Forschungsbereiche und Forschungsmethoden der Linguistik
Diese bilden u. a. Grundlagen im MA Linguistik für das Modul A 2